Program to find factorial of a number using function in C language
Below is the program to find factorial of a number using function in C language. The program has been compiled and executed in Dev C++. The function is a block of code that is specifically designed to do a certain task. Here, the function is taking an argument and calculating the factorial returning its resulting…
Program to display series and find sum of 1+3+5+…+n in C language
The series 1+3+5+..+n, is a series of odd number. We need to write a program to display this series as well as find the sum upto nth number. The n will be inserted by the user. The program has been compiled and executed under DEV c++. CODE: #include void main() { int i,n,sum=1; printf(“Enter any…
Program to show Call by Value and Call by Reference in C Language
This article will illustrate the use of Call by Value and Call by Reference in C Programming language. C Language provide several features. Before, we talk about call by reference and call by value, let’s have a little talk about functions in C because both of them are used within the functions itself. A function…
This is overthewire series with bandit walkthrough from level 23 – 26. If you haven’t gone through the previous articles on OVERTHEWIRE Bandit then follow the links below! http://www.anonhack.in/2018/04/overthewire-bandit-walkthrough-series/ http://www.anonhack.in/2018/04/overthewirebandit-walkthrough-series-6-10-levels/ http://www.anonhack.in/2018/04/overthewirebandit-walkthrough-series-12-15-levels/ http://www.anonhack.in/2018/04/overthewirebandit-walkthrough-series-15-18-levels/ Level 22 – 23 Login into bandit22 with the password we obtained in the article above. The hint for this level says: A…
Program to print Transpose of a matrix in C language
The following program print the transpose of the matrix in C. The transpose of a matrix makes the row to column and column to row. If the matrix is in the form a[3][2] then the transpose of such a matrix will be a[2][3]. About the Code: The code is written in two dimensional array taking…