Month: July 2018

  • GoldenEye 1 Walkthrough: Vulnhub vulnerable machine

    GoldenEye 1 Walkthrough: Vulnhub vulnerable machine

    This article is a walkthrough for GoldenEye vulnerable machine. In the description of this machine, it says that it is similar to OSCP machine. So, I have written a walkthrough on it. To download Goldeneye 1, follow the link:,240/ Requirements: Kali Linux or your favorite OS Virtualbox Goldeneye VM Patience So let’s dig in: Find…

  • OVERTHEWIRE Natas: Walkthrough Series Level 11 – 12

    LEVEL 11-12 is quite hard. It is about encryption, encoding, cookie and php code. Let’s dive in it: Login with the password we found in the last article, You will see the screen below. The hint points us to the cookie, So I checked cookie using Burpsuite and there is this string I found in…

  • OVERTHEWIRE Natas: Walkthrough series Level 9 – 11

    OVERTHEWIRE Natas: Walkthrough series Level 9 – 11

    This article is the continuation of OVERTHEWIRE Natas walkthrough Series. The links of the last article are here:   Level 9 – 10 Login from the password we obtained in the last article. This screen will appear. If you search anything on it, it will give you some words related to the…

  • OVERTHEWIRE Natas: Walkthrough series Level 7 – 9

    OVERTHEWIRE Natas: Walkthrough series Level 7 – 9

    This article is a walkthrough for level 7 – 9 of overthewire Natas Web Attack Series. Visit the links below for the levels before these.   Let’s get on with it: Level 7 – 8: After logging in with the password we found in the last article. We are given with this…

  • Overthewire Natas: Walkthrough Series Levels 4 -7

    Overthewire Natas: Walkthrough Series Levels 4 -7

    This article is continuation of last article: Overthewire Natas walkthrough 1 – 4. This article contains walkthrough from level 5 -7. Let’s get on with it: Level 4 – 5 Login with natas4 password we obtained in the last article. The hint says that we are not allowed because we need to visit from another…

  • Overthewire Natas: Walkthrough Series Levels 1 – 4

    Overthewire Natas: Walkthrough Series Levels 1 – 4

    We have already completed overthewire bandit series. Now, we will be going forward and looking at Overthewire Natas walkthroughs, The Natas are based on the Web security. It starts from basic level. link: Start here: Username: natas0 Password: natas0 URL: Level 0 – 1 : Login to natas0 with above credentials. The level is…

  • GeeksforGeeks Sudo Placement: Validate an IP Address in Java

    GeeksforGeeks Sudo Placement: Validate an IP Address in Java

    The code is written in java. The output that is generated is correct, I have corrected the code on their page which is already written, It was generating error on submit,so I thought to publish the code here. The code ask to validate an IP address, that the given ip address falls on the condition…

  • HTML Injection Reflected (POST) Level medium: Bwapp

    HTML Injection Reflected (POST) Level medium: Bwapp

    This article will guide you on how you can bypass the POST reflective HTML injection in Bwapp. This is similar to the GET request and again we don’t need burpsuite as a mandatory tool. It can be easily done with the help of a browser. I have used firefox with hackbar tool called URL encoder,…

  • HTML Injection – Reflected (POST) Level Low – BWapp

    HTML Injection – Reflected (POST) Level Low – BWapp

    This article is based on low level of Reflected (POST) HTML Injection. Bwapp is used here to demonstrate the HTML injection in POST parameters . Post parameters are different from GET Parameters. In GET parameters the information is sent via the URL but in POST, the information is sent with the body of the request.…

  • Geeks for Geeks Sudo placement: Immediate Smaller Element in array in C language

    Geeks for Geeks Sudo placement: Immediate Smaller Element in array in C language

    The code below is Geeks for Geeks Sudo placement challenge for checking immediate smaller Element in an array and printing the desired output. Geeks for Geeks challenge(Sudo Placement): Given an integer array, for each element in the array check whether there exists a smaller element on the next immediate position of the array. If it exists print the…

  • A program using single subscribed variable to evaluate the expression in C language

    A program using single subscribed variable to evaluate the expression in C language

    The following C program is used to evaluate the following expression: Total = Σ i=110  Xi2 where  X1, X2 … X10 they are user inputs. The code has been tested in Dev c++. CODE: #include<stdio.h> void main(){ int i; float x[10],value,total; printf(“Enter 10 REAL Numbers”); for(i=0;i<10;i++){ scanf(“%f”,&value); x[i]=value; } total=0.0; for(i=0;i<10;i++){ total = total +x[i]*x[i]; printf(“\n”);…

  • Cracking WPA/WPA2 Wifi password using Password list

    Cracking WPA/WPA2 Wifi password using Password list

    The following article is a guide to crack WPA/WPA2 wifi using password list. The information is available everywhere to crack wifi but I’m still writing about it because I have to show different ways of wifi hacking, simply because not every time password list works. But I have to still write about it because I…