Month: December 2015

  • Dos with Slowloris!

    In this article, we are looking at how Dos attack works. There are many tools out there for the Dos purpose, which also varies in the type of platform they effect. Like if we talk about Pyloris(http Based), LOIC(TCP,UDP,Http), R-U-DEAD-YET( targets the web server resources) and many others. These tools works just fine. But a…

  • What is DDos Attack?

    This topic is little scary! This is the nightmare for Big companies across the World. DDos Attack is an abbreviation for Distributed Denial Of Service Attack, which means it works as DOS attack but in a vast manner. DOS attack which stands for Denial of service is an attack in which a user is unable…

  • SMTP Relay Attacks

    I have had already told you about What is SMTP, How does that work and How can you extract emails using SMTP. In this article I will be telling you how you can use SMTP relays to send spams to any person. SMTP relay is a mail server through which we can send Outbound emails.…