Java Program to left rotate the Array
The following Java program rotates the array to d rotational integer. A left rotation operation on an array shifts each of the array’s elements unit to the left. For example, if left rotations are performed on array [1,2,3,4,5], then the array would become [3,4,5,1,2]. The Code makes use of swapping using temp variable for circular rotation from left to right…
Finding Kth Maximum Number from an Array in Java
The following program is used to find the Kth Maximum number from a given unsorted array. The approach on which this code is written uses sorting and then gives out the Kth maximum number. This can be done without sorting too. At the end of the code, you will get a sorted array and hence it…
Swapping every two bits in byte Java Solution
In the Swapping of two bits in byte in java, the output should look like something below: Swap all the pair of bits in a byte. Before swapping: 11-10-11-01 After swapping: 11-01-11-10 The code is written and tested in Netbeans. Code: import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Scanner; public class bitbyte { public static void main (String[] args)…
Converting Decimal to Binary in Java
The below code will convert decimal number in binary format [bits] in java. I have taken a byte as an array, i.e. 8. You can take more depending on your needs. The input for the current program is a with the value 48. You can take the input through scanner too. Code: public class bitbyte…
Geeks for Geeks Sudo placement: Immediate Smaller Element in array in C language
The code below is Geeks for Geeks Sudo placement challenge for checking immediate smaller Element in an array and printing the desired output. Geeks for Geeks challenge(Sudo Placement): Given an integer array, for each element in the array check whether there exists a smaller element on the next immediate position of the array. If it exists print the…
A program using single subscribed variable to evaluate the expression in C language
The following C program is used to evaluate the following expression: Total = Σ i=110 Xi2 where X1, X2 … X10 they are user inputs. The code has been tested in Dev c++. CODE: #include<stdio.h> void main(){ int i; float x[10],value,total; printf(“Enter 10 REAL Numbers”); for(i=0;i<10;i++){ scanf(“%f”,&value); x[i]=value; } total=0.0; for(i=0;i<10;i++){ total = total +x[i]*x[i]; printf(“\n”);…
Program to sort the elements of an array in descending order in C language
The program below sort the elements of an array in descending order. It uses malloc function to allocate the space for number of elements that user enters. The code is pretty forward. With sizeof(), the program is taking the size of the n variable that’s taking the value from the user and with that value malloc…
Program to evaluate Graph equation y=x^n using C Language
This is the program to evaluate graph equation y=xn. This code works with non negative integers. The following code has been written and compiled in Dev c++. Code: #include<stdio.h> void main(){ int count,n; float x,y; printf(“enter the value of X and N \n”); scanf(“%f%d”,&x,&n); y=1.0; count=1; while(count<=n){ y=y*x; count++; } printf(“\nX = %.3f, N =…
Program to find factorial of a number using recursive function in C language
This article is a program to find factorial in C language using recursive function. Before going straight to the code, let’s talk about Recursive functions and what are they? Recursive function is a tricky topic in C. They are the functions which calls themselves. So whenever you see a function which contains its own name…
Program to find factorial of a number using function in C language
Below is the program to find factorial of a number using function in C language. The program has been compiled and executed in Dev C++. The function is a block of code that is specifically designed to do a certain task. Here, the function is taking an argument and calculating the factorial returning its resulting…
Program to display series and find sum of 1+3+5+…+n in C language
The series 1+3+5+..+n, is a series of odd number. We need to write a program to display this series as well as find the sum upto nth number. The n will be inserted by the user. The program has been compiled and executed under DEV c++. CODE: #include void main() { int i,n,sum=1; printf(“Enter any…