Category: CTF Challenges

  • BOB Walkthrough: Vulnhub CTF Challenge

    This article is a walkthrough on how I solved Bob CTF challenge. You can download Bob CTF via this link:,226/. It is a Beginner to intermediate challenge and at the end we have to gain the root access and get the flag. So let’s do this: To find the vulnerable machines through your attacking machine:…

  • JIS-CTF- Jordan Infosec Capture The Flag Challenge – Walkthrough

    JIS-CTF- Jordan Infosec Capture The Flag Challenge – Walkthrough

    This article is a walk through on Jorder InfoSec CTF challenge:,228/ This is a basic web challenge consisting of 5 flags. I ran it on Virtualbox with bridged mode. This app doesn’t require kali os. You can do it on windows as well. To find the vulnerable machines through your attacking machine: Let’s see the…

  • Quaoar CTF : WalkThrough

    Quaoar CTF : WalkThrough

    Quaoar is a CTF challenge for 2016. It is an easy challenge. You can download it in here:,180/ The Following article will show the walkthrough for Quaoar virtual machine challenge. Let’s start: I turned on the VMware and started Quaoar: The IP address for my Quaoar VM is To find the vulnerable machines through…

  • Kioptrix Level 2 Challenge Solution

    Kioptrix Level 2 Challenge Solution

    Kioptrix Level 2 challenge was quite hard compared to the Kioptrix Level 1. we have to have the understanding the web application and should try different ways to finding vulnerability. Requirements: Vmware Kioptrix level 2 challenge Kali [strictly depends on your choice] So lets dive in: -> Nmap So my Kioptrix machine has the…

  • Kioptrix Level 1 Challenge Solution

    Kioptrix Level 1 Challenge Solution

    Kioptrix Level 1 is a hacking challenge. We have to get the root access and find a flag for the next level.There are many ways to solve kioptrix level 1 challenge, I am writing here my way but you can get a lot of other ways on the web. Lets dive in Kioptrix level 1.…