DC-9 Vulnhub Walkthrough – OSCP way
Recently, My focus turned more towards OSCP and I am thinking of taking the exam. After reading tons of people’s experience over Reddit, I took some notes on what would be my way of studying for this. It isn’t easy from the looks of it and to win with time, I need a lot of…
Overthewire Natas Level 25 – 26 is based on directory traversal. The code have many restrictions because it sanitizes the user input and makes it harder for us to get the password. Let’s see how can we bypass it and get the access for the next level. The code for this level is here: The…
Overthewire natas level 22 – 23 is the easiest of all levels, We just have to send a GET request as “/?revelio” to reveal the admin password. This code for this level looks like this: So, again I am using Burpsuite’s Repeater in order to make the GET request and here you go, the password…
Creating Your Own hacking Lab: The Beginner’s guide
This article is a beginner’s level guide to create your own hacking lab so you can practice in a safe environment. With your own hacking lab set up, you can work without boundaries and explore more. I will be telling you about the software tools and their configuration and how you can configure network as…
Hacking with Python Series: SSH bruteforcing script using PXSSH
This is a guide about how you can create SSH bruteforcing script using python. With this script you can bruteforce the username and password for SSH protocol. Below is the requirement and explanation to create this script. Library used: PXSSH Operating System: Kali [ The above library is not meant for windows ] You can…
Making An SSH Connection In Python Using PXSSH: Hacking With Python Series
The pxssh library is a part of pexpect package in python. Pxssh library provides you the way to connect as SSH client to SSH enabled servers, it handles the keys itself, so you don’t need to specially specify any line of code for it. I find it quite easier for making bruteforcing script via this…
What to do after SQL injection: Finding Admin Panel
We have already talked about Error Based SQL Injection. If you missed my article on that here is the link: http://www.anonhack.in/2018/04/sql-injection-part-4getting-admin-password/ The question that arises after getting the username and MD5 hash as password is “where do you use those credentials?” The answer to this is simple if there is a user table with password, there…
Shell Scripting Program to check if a Number is Palindrome
Palindrome Numbers are the numbers whose reverse will also give you the same number. For Example, 567 is not a palindrome number because the reverse of 567 is 765 which is not same as the number, whereas 8778 is a palindrome which on reverse will also give the same number. Following is a shell scripting…
Program to Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit in C Language
This article will show you the C program to convert temperature in Celsius to Fahrenheit. The Formula for conversion is: 1.8 * C + 32 Code: #include<stdio.h> void main(){ int a; float i=1; printf(“\n********************************\nprogram to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit\n***********************************\n\n”); printf(“Enter Temperature in Celsius: “); scanf(“%d”,&a); i=(1.8 * a) +32; printf(“Fahrenheit Temperature is : %.3f\n”,i); }…
Program to find GCD of two numbers in C language
The following program is to find the GCD or HCF of a number using C Language. GCD is the Greatest Common Divisor that divides a particular number. #include<stdio.h> void main(){ int a,b,i,j; printf(“\n****************************\nprogram to find GCD of 2 Numbers\n*****************************\n\n”); printf(“Enter two numbers: “); scanf(“%d%d”,&a,&b); printf(“Common Factors for %d and %d are: “,a,b); j=a>b?b:a; for(i=1;i<=j;i++){ if(a%i==0…
Bash Program to check if a number is Armstrong:Shell Scripting
Shell scripting is a command line scripting language used by Unix- Like environment. The below program is a Bash program to check if a number is Armstrong or not. Whats is Armstrong number? An Armstrong number of three digits is an integer such that the sum of the cubes of its digits is equal to…