Tag: Hacking with python

  • Using List for Port Scan in Python: Hacking with Python Series

    Using List for Port Scan in Python: Hacking with Python Series

    The below program makes use of Lists in python to define different ports. It takes this list and then passes it to a scan function which checks if the port is open. This is a basic program. I have written this to show you the usage of list with port numbers. This script do not…

  • Hacking with Python Series: SSH bruteforcing script using Paramiko

    Hacking with Python Series: SSH bruteforcing script using Paramiko

    This article will guide you to use paramiko library in Python to create an SSH bruteforcing Script. This script is similar to the script we have made on PXSSH, in case you haven’t seen that post, here is the link: http://www.anonhack.in/2018/06/hacking-with-python-series-ssh-bruteforcing-script-using-pxssh/ If you want to see the usage of paramiko before going through the below…

  • Hacking with Python Series: Python libraries for SSH

    Hacking with Python Series: Python libraries for SSH

    SSH stands for secure shell, one of the vastly used and exploited protocol. If not configured correctly, anyone can have entire access of your system with it. Many Worms have exploited the network using SSH.It works on the port 22. In this Hacking with python series, I will give you an introduction of different libraries…

  • Hacking with Python series: Open user and password files to read

    Hacking with Python series: Open user and password files to read

    This article will help you to code the part where you need to open the user and pass file in python. One of the part where you will use this code is while brute forcing a certain port. Before looking at the code, I am providing the explanation about how the code works! Explanation :…

  • Hacking With python: Information Gathering 1

    Hacking With python: Information Gathering 1

    In hacking with python series, this is the first script for information gathering. A Simple python script which actively scans a port to check if it is open and Grab the service running on that port. About the script: Socket library in python is used to make connection [ TCP or UDP ]. Function proghelp…

  • Hacking with Python:The Head Start Part 1

    Hacking with Python:The Head Start Part 1

    Python is an easy scripting language. It runs on any platform, you name it! Python is interpreted since it reads the code line by line. It is plain and short. But the question is “Why use python in hacking?”. To answer this, I must tell you that there are other languages too such as Ruby,…