Tag: hacking information gathering

  • Shell Scripting Program to check if a Number is Palindrome

    Shell Scripting Program to check if a Number is Palindrome

    Palindrome Numbers are the numbers whose reverse will also give you the same number. For Example, 567 is not a palindrome number because the reverse of 567 is 765 which is not same as the number, whereas 8778 is a palindrome which on reverse will also give the same number. Following is a shell scripting…

  • Program to Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit in C Language

    This article will show you the C program to convert temperature in Celsius to Fahrenheit. The Formula for conversion is: 1.8 * C + 32 Code: #include<stdio.h> void main(){ int a; float i=1; printf(“\n********************************\nprogram to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit\n***********************************\n\n”); printf(“Enter Temperature in Celsius: “); scanf(“%d”,&a); i=(1.8 * a) +32; printf(“Fahrenheit Temperature is : %.3f\n”,i); }…

  • Program to find GCD of two numbers in C language

    Program to find GCD of two numbers in C language

    The following program is to find the GCD or HCF of a number using C Language. GCD is the Greatest Common Divisor that divides a particular number. #include<stdio.h> void main(){ int a,b,i,j; printf(“\n****************************\nprogram to find GCD of 2 Numbers\n*****************************\n\n”); printf(“Enter two numbers: “); scanf(“%d%d”,&a,&b); printf(“Common Factors for %d and %d are: “,a,b); j=a>b?b:a; for(i=1;i<=j;i++){ if(a%i==0…

  • Bash Program to check if a number is Armstrong:Shell Scripting

    Bash Program to check if a number is Armstrong:Shell Scripting

    Shell scripting is a command line scripting language used by Unix- Like environment. The below program is a Bash program to check if a number is Armstrong or not. Whats is Armstrong number? An Armstrong number of three digits is an integer such that the sum of the cubes of its digits is equal to…

  • Program to convert a Character into ASCII value using C Language

    Program to convert a Character into ASCII value using C Language

    In C language, The integer value for a character is always it’s ASCII value. So If you want to print an ASCII value of a character in C then simply use %d to get the character’s ASCII integer value. Code: #include<stdio.h> void main(){ int c; char d; printf(“\n\n*****************Program to output ASCII code for an input********************\n”);…



    This article is continuation of the over the wire bandit series. In case you haven’t read that here it is OVERTHEWIRE:BANDIT WALKTHROUGH SERIES 1-5 LEVELS. So let’s start with the level 6. I logged in level 6 with the credentials I gained in level 5. > level 5-6 ssh bandit5@bandit.labs.overthewire.org -p 2220 password: Level 4-5 password…

  • Diffie Hellman Key Exchange: What it is?

    Diffie Hellman Key Exchange: What it is?

    What is Diffie Hellman? It is an asymmetric key exchange algorithm which allows two parties to agree upon a shared secret key in such a way that no other person can eavesdrop on the communication. It uses two different keys for the exchanging purpose i.e, Public key and Private key. It is not an encrypting…

  • Caesar Cipher Program in C

    What is Caesar Cipher? Caesar Cipher is a Symmetric Cryptography model, with the term Symmetric, I mean that that key which is used for both encryption and decryption are same. This is the earliest model which is used by Julius Caesar. It involves replacement of the current character with the third places further down.It uses…

  • How to become a Hacker?

    How to become a Hacker?

    Hacker is a person who can gain unauthorized access to  a device. Many people have this question in their mind, “How to become one?”. Before I give answer to this question, I would like to explain the concept of everything related to hacking. Hacking is a vast field, it consist of topics not just limited…

  • Information Gathering(Reconnaissance/Footprinting)

    This is the very first step for any kind of hacking(White,Grey,Black).Information Gathering as the name suggests, is gathering as much information about the target as possible.Hackers or Security Experts need to create a information database before attacking a target, it helps them to find out the technology a particular company or a simple website uses…