C language provides many libraries to handle strings. The libraries that we are going to be using are ctype and string. If you are working in C and you require to manipulate a string, ctype and string header files are your friends! Make use of them.
The functions of ctype.h used in the program are:
- isalpha() – Checks whether the reading character is an alphabet
- isspace() – Check for white space
- ispunc() – Checks whether the character is a punctuation [character that is not an alphabet]
The functions of string.h header used in code:
- strlen() – Checks the length of the string and return a number
- gets() – helps in input of a string from the console. It can take any number of strings [ Will not run in linux gcc, Deprecated due to security reasons. It causes buffer overflow! ]
Let’s get on the code:
#include<stdio.h> #include<ctype.h> #include<string.h> void main(){ char s[100]; int vowels=0,cons=0,space=0,punc=0,i,len; printf("Enter the statement:\n"); gets(s); len=strlen(s); for(i=0;i<len;i++){ if(isalpha(s[i])){ if(s[i]=='a' || s[i]=='e' || s[i]=='i'|| s[i]=='o'|| s[i]=='u'){ vowels++; } else{ cons++; } } if(isspace(s[i])){ space++; } if(ispunct(s[i])) { punc++; } } printf("\nNo of words = %d",space+1); printf("\nNo of vowels = %d",vowels);printf("\nNo of consonants = %d",cons); printf("\nNo of spaces = %d",space);printf("\nNo of special chars = %d",punc); }