Month: June 2018

  • Part 1: Finding the IP address of your Victim in your VirtualBox Hacking Lab Network

    Part 1: Finding the IP address of your Victim in your VirtualBox Hacking Lab Network

    This article will give you ways to find the ip address of the vulnerable /victim machine in your hacking lab environment in your network. A reader of my blog recently asked me to write about CTF challenges from very basics. I am really glad to get a suggestion. So, here is what you asked for.…

  • Making an SSH connection in Python using Paramiko: Hacking with Python Series

    Making an SSH connection in Python using Paramiko: Hacking with Python Series

    Paramiko is a python library providing SSHv2 protocol. It provides Client and Server feature. I have given the introduction in last article, in case you have missed it, here is the link: Let’s get on with the code because nothing is more interesting than the code itself. Before, you run the code install the Paramiko…

  • Hacking with Python Series: Python libraries for SSH

    Hacking with Python Series: Python libraries for SSH

    SSH stands for secure shell, one of the vastly used and exploited protocol. If not configured correctly, anyone can have entire access of your system with it. Many Worms have exploited the network using SSH.It works on the port 22. In this Hacking with python series, I will give you an introduction of different libraries…

  • Hacking with Python series: Open user and password files to read

    Hacking with Python series: Open user and password files to read

    This article will help you to code the part where you need to open the user and pass file in python. One of the part where you will use this code is while brute forcing a certain port. Before looking at the code, I am providing the explanation about how the code works! Explanation :…

  • Vulnix Vulnerable VM CTF: Walkthrough

    Vulnix Vulnerable VM CTF: Walkthrough

    This article is a walkthrough on vulnix CTF challenge. You can get this on Vulnhub website: here is the link. Vulnix is a specially made vulnerable virtual machine of SSH and NFS [Network file system]. Vulnix will guide you on how false configuration of NFS can be used to escalate privileges on the system. Let’s…

  • Program to find factorial of a number using recursive function in C language

    Program to find factorial of a number using recursive function in C language

    This article is a program to find factorial in C language using recursive function. Before going straight to the code, let’s talk about Recursive functions and what are they? Recursive function is a tricky topic in C. They are the functions which calls themselves. So whenever you see a function which contains its own name…

  • Program to find factorial of a number using function in C language

    Below is the program to find factorial of a number using function in C language. The program has been compiled and executed in Dev C++. The function is a block of code that is specifically designed to do a certain task. Here, the function is taking an argument and calculating the factorial returning its resulting…

  • Program to display series and find sum of 1+3+5+…+n in C language

    Program to display series and find sum of 1+3+5+…+n in C language

    The series 1+3+5+..+n, is a series of odd number. We need to write a program to display this series as well as find the sum upto nth number. The n will be inserted by the user. The program has been compiled and executed under DEV c++. CODE: #include void main() { int i,n,sum=1; printf(“Enter any…

  • Program to show Call by Value and Call by Reference in C Language

    Program to show Call by Value and Call by Reference in C Language

    This article will illustrate the use of Call by Value and Call by Reference in C Programming language. C Language provide several features. Before, we talk about call by reference and call by value, let’s have a little talk about functions in C because both of them are used within the functions itself. A function…

  • Recovery guide for windows Laptop for Blue Screen of Death

    Recovery guide for windows Laptop for Blue Screen of Death

    This article is a recovering guide for when you can’t start windows and can’t recover the important files. I have this problem for a while now. My laptop had windows 8 installed in it. I did not upgrade it to windows 10 and stayed with windows 8.1 up-gradation. After sometime, I have been seeing blue…

  • BIOS settings to run Bootable LIVE USB

    BIOS settings to run Bootable LIVE USB

    This is a guide to change the BIOS settings to boot your live USB. The BIOS stands for Basic Input output system, which defines the basic settings for hardware that is used for initial boot up settings of the device. It defines from where the OS will boot first, also the virtualization capabilities can be…

  • Creating Bootable LIVE USB using win32DiskImager

    Creating Bootable LIVE USB using win32DiskImager

    Win32DiskImager can be downloaded from Win32DiskImager is a wonderful tool to create a LIVE bootable USB Flashdrive. It is freely available for download. Win32DiskImager is similar to unetbootin but it is more reliable. It works great with any Operating system. In case you haven’t checked my last post for unetbootin you can visit here. Creating…