Month: August 2016

  • Program To Convert Binary to Decimal Using C Language

    **NOTE: The following code for “Program To Convert Binary to Decimal Using C Language” has been written and performed on Ubuntu OS, To run the following code in Windows on Turbo C, You need to add #include as one of the header files and getch() at the end of the code before main() closing brace…

  • Program to Convert Floating Decimal to Binary Using C Language

    **NOTE: The following code for “Program to Convert Floating Decimal To Binary Using C language” has been written and performed on Ubuntu OS, To run the following code in Windows on Turbo C, You need to add #include<conio.h> as one of the header files and getch() at the end of the code before main() closing…

  • Converting Decimal To Binary Using C language

    **NOTE: The following code for “Converting Decimal To Binary Using C language” has been written and performed on Ubuntu OS, To run the following code in Windows on Turbo C, You need to add #include<conio.h> as one of the header files and getch() at the end of the code before main() closing brace “}”. #include<stdio.h>…