Tag: shell

  • Program to Find Fibonacci Series using Shell Script

    Program to Find Fibonacci Series using Shell Script

    This is the bash code for Fibonacci Series upto a number n which will be inserted by user. Code: clear echo “Program to Find Fibonacci Series” echo “How many number of terms to be generated ?” read n x=0 y=1 i=2 echo “Fibonacci Series up to $n terms :” echo “$x” echo “$y” while […

  • Shell Scripting for Hackers

    Shell Scripting for Hackers

    Shell scripting is one of the very powerful language. There are many different kinds of shell scripting environment providing different features like Ksh, bash etc. In this article, we will be learning how to create scripts as a pen-tester / hacker/security researcher view. How scripting a little script can save your time. I’m providing here…

  • Metasploit: The Basics

    Metasploit: The Basics

    Metasploit was made by H.D Moore back in 2003. It is a framework which was made to bring all the features together so as to make it easier for a professional to access everything with a single command. It contains all the tools from information gathering to maintaining access on a system. Not only tools…

  • Shell Scripting Program to check if a Number is Palindrome

    Shell Scripting Program to check if a Number is Palindrome

    Palindrome Numbers are the numbers whose reverse will also give you the same number. For Example, 567 is not a palindrome number because the reverse of 567 is 765 which is not same as the number, whereas 8778 is a palindrome which on reverse will also give the same number. Following is a shell scripting…